Dr. Clarence Wang
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Clarence Wang is a Lecturer at the Centre for Applied English Studies of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and serves as the Coordinator of the English-in-the-Discipline course for the Faculty of Dentistry of HKU. He has extensive experience in designing and delivering English courses and writing workshops for both undergraduate and postgraduate students majoring in Biomedical Sciences, Chinese Medicine, Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Dentistry. His research interests are in medical communication, academic writing, and language teacher development. His publications have appeared in English for Specific Purposes, RELC Journal, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Modern Language Journal and in edited books including English for Medical Communication: A Guide to Course Design (Routledge, 2025), Technology in Second Language Writing (Routledge, 2023) and Asian Research on English for Specific Purposes (Springer, 2020).