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  • 口頭報告
  • 求職信及履歷寫作


The CV Book: Your Definitive Guide to Writing the Perfect CV

This book guides you through the entire CV drafting process from choosing the content and style to actually writing it section by section. The author poses 15 common CV writing questions and addresses them one by one in each chapter. There are also reminders about digital applications before providing you with plenty of CV and cover letter samples. With this handy and useful reference, you will become more confident in creating a truly professional CV.
Highlights include “Building your CV: section by section” (pp. 40-101), “The 15 most common CV writing mistakes—and how to avoid them!” (pp. 102-111), and “Digital considerations” (pp. 146-153).

The Guide to Basic Cover Letter Writing

Catering for university graduates, the book helps you craft persuasive cover letters with examples. Beginning with some general information about and essential guidelines for cover letters, the book gives you practical advice from the experts and offers cover letter examples for various positions.
Highlights include “Advice from the experts”(pp. 15-28) and “Cover letter examples for various positions: professional management” (pp. 57-78).

Kick Start Your Career: Successful Strategies and Winning Techniques

In addition to basic job searching strategies, this book features practical advice on finding a job in an international context in the 21st century. There is a special section on establishing your online profile in social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter (Ch. 7). Detailed discussions have also been devoted into the preparation of country-specific resumes (Ch. 12, 13 & 15) and cover letters (Ch. 16). The book finishes off with a chapter of practical interviews tips (Ch. 17) and is genuinely an all-in-one book for your job application preparation.

How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the World's Most Inspiring Presentations

The book explicates the oral presentation process in terms of its content, delivery, and design. A presenter in a TED talk is required to speak for 18 minutes or less on a topic. The book provides you with useful and practical skills and tips in engaging, impressing, and captivating the audience. Through careful selection of content and providing a range of verbal and non-verbal communication skills, this book gives you plenty of ideas about how to deliver inspiring as well as entertaining presentations.
Highlights include enhancing your language (pp. 121-130), mastering your verbal delivery (pp. 139-146), managing your nonverbal delivery (pp. 147-152), and creating inspiring slides (pp. 161-166).

Presentations: Sharpen Your Message, Persuade Your Audience, Gauge Your Impact

This concise guide helps you enhance your presentation skills by walking you through the necessary steps in preparing, delivering, and self-reflecting on a presentation. This quick read also identifies possible embarrassing moments on the stage and provides you with particularly practical and witty tips, helping you better prepare for the presentation and overcome the stage fright by anticipating different scenarios.
Highlights include crafting your message (pp. 23-34), practising your delivery (pp. 49-56), delivering your presentation (pp. 57-64), and managing the response (pp. 65-72).

English for Presentations at International Conferences

Focusing on academic presentation contexts, the book will guide you how to prepare for paper and poster presentations in seminars and conferences by articulating results, findings, and conclusions accurately and concisely. Supplemented with useful phrases you can use during your presentation and suggestions on how to begin a presentation, you will learn how to produce and deliver memorable presentations.
Highlights include “Visual elements and fonts” (pp. 57-74), “Ten ways to begin a presentation” (pp. 75-88), “Posters” (pp. 217-228), and “Useful phrases” (pp. 249-273).



本書共分五部分,作者以生活化的語言,深入淺出地講解求職面試各個階段的注意事項。其中第一部分(頁16 - 46)主要介紹履歷與求職信的寫法,並以輕鬆而不失深刻的方式帶出「8大CV禁忌」及「求職信7宗罪」等問題,甚具參考價值。至於餘下四部分,則集中講解面試前的準備與面試的應對技巧,當中第三部分(頁76 - 92)提及「畢業生面試『潛規則』」等話題,有助同學做好個人定位。

從字句到結構 : 學術論文寫作指引

全書總計有八章,作者以幫助讀者謀職為目標,說明求職面試所須掌握的各種技巧。比如第二章(頁35 - 89)論述了中式、港式、英式和美式四種不同的履歷寫作方式,並講解人事部門篩選履歷的原則,讀者閱後自能避免犯上同樣錯誤。至於第三章(頁92 - 114),則談及求職信的寫作步驟,以至中英文求職信的異同等問題,均是相當實用的說明。書中另附多則專業人士分析,以便讀者能作合適的求職選擇。


本書分為四部分,作者以「少即多」為主要原則,講解口頭溝通須注意的事項。其中第二部分(頁60 - 142)主要介紹讓說話保持簡潔的四個原則,如以腦圖等視覺化工具草擬大綱,以及利用新聞報道的敘事方式鍛煉剪裁內容的技巧,讀來頗富啟發。而第四部分(頁254 - 269)則提出二十條有助精進溝通能力的建議,從如何集中聽眾的注意力到控制自己的說話節奏,都有詳細說明,是相當實用的提示。

如何學習最有效 : 改變一生的7個學習技巧








  • 「外物之味,久則可厭;讀書之味,愈久愈深。」


  • 「書就是風。讀了很多書,大風就來了。你像風箏,順勢而起,便往天空遠處飛去,讀越多,風越大;飛得越高,看得越遠。」


  • 「書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。」

  • 「立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。」


  • 「善讀者日攻、日掃。攻則直透重圍,掃則了無一物。 」


  • 「(任何一個人,都必須養成自學的習慣,即使是今天在學校的學生,也要養成自學的習慣,因為遲早總要離開學校的!)自學,就是一種獨立學習,獨立思考的能力。行路,還是要靠行路人自己。」


  • 「敏而好學,不恥下問 。」


  • 「喜愛讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞無聊的時光換成巨大享受的時刻。」


  • 「讀書應自己思索,自己做主。」


  • 「善學者盡其理,善行者究其難。 」


  • 「人若志趣不遠,心不在焉,雖學無成。 」


  • 「不要把學問看做是用來裝飾的王冠,也不要把學問看做是用來擠奶的奶牛。」


  • 「遠行要假良朋,數數清於耳目;住止必須擇伴,時時聞於未聞。故雲:「生我者父母,成我者朋友。」親附善者,如霧露中行,雖不濕衣,時時有潤。」


  • 「寫作可以使一天中,工作的二、三小時,化為更有意味的二、三小時。」


  • 「寫作,最終是一連串允許你以某些特定方式來表達自己的過程。去創造。去跳躍。去飛翔。去掉落。去發現你自己獨樹一格的敘述方式和堅持;也就是讓你找到內在的自由。」

    ——Susan Sontag

  • 「有時候我想,天堂一定是一場永不疲倦的閱讀。」

    ——Virginia Woolf