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      Mind full? Mindful? - the Art & Craft of Mindfulness
    2025年 02月 Mind full? Mindful? - the Art & Craft of Mindfulness 講者: Ajahn Brahm


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2024年 10月 成功寫作生命科學範疇的文章:如何設計有效的圖表 講者: Dr Sarah E. Webb

			Postgraduate Research and Learning Symposium
		2024年 04月 Postgraduate Research and Learning Symposium 講者: Prof. Anthony So, Dr. Fong Yoke Sim, Dr. Luisa Sadorra, Dr. Paula Hodgson, Mrs. Susan Lopez-Nerney, Mr. Paul Nerney, Ms. Bernice Chan

			Practising Kindfulness on Campus
		2024年 03月 Practising Kindfulness on Campus 講者: Ajahn Brahm

			Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces
		2024年 02月 Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces 講者: Ms. Jovita Yueng


			A Dialogue between Current Leaders of
			Global Citizenship and the Future Global Citizens
		2023年 11月 A Dialogue between Current Leaders of Global Citizenship and the Future Global Citizens 講者: Prof. Seen Meng Chew, Prof. Hilary Chappell, Prof. Kok Wai Benny Lim, Prof. Lik Sam Chan, Ms. Annette Frömel, Mr. Pierre Assier

			Writing in the Mathematical Sciences: Some Do's and Don'ts
		2023年 11月 數學科學寫作:甚麼該做和不該做 講者: 蘇文藻教授 研究院院長

			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2023年 10月 成功寫作生命科學範疇的文章:如何設計有效的圖表 講者: Dr Sarah E. Webb

			Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces
		2023年 09月 Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces 講者: Ms. Jovita Yueng

			Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers
		2023年 05月 撰寫和發表科學論文 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			From PhD Thesis to Published Book
		2023年 05月 如何將你的博士論文出版成書 講者: Dr. FONG Yoke Sim

			Publishing Your Research Series 2023
		2023年 04月 研究發表研習班 2023 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Writing Systematic Reviews
			for Medical-related Research Postgraduate Students
		2023年 04月 撰寫醫學相關系統性文獻回顧 講者: Dr. Clarence Wang

			Practical Tips for IELTS Writing Tasks
		2023年 04月 Practical Tips for IELTS Writing Tasks 講者: Mr. Richard Eng

			Ready, RESET, Go:  Mental Training with Ajahn Brahm
		2023年 03月 Ready, RESET, Go: Mental Training with Ajahn Brahm 講者: Ajahn Brahm


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2022年 10月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Practical Tips for Maximising Your IELTS Writing Score
		2022年 09月 Practical Tips for Maximising Your IELTS Writing Score 講者: Mr. Richard Eng

			Say "Hello and Welcome" to Aptitude Tests
		2022年 05月 Say "Hello and Welcome" to Aptitude Tests 講者: Ms. Pamela Chai, Ms. Elsa Tang

    2022年 05月 搵工新常態:創建一份「閃亮」的履歷 講者: 黎兆麟先生(John Lai)

			Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers
		2022年 05月 Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2022
		2022年 04月 Publishing Your Research Series 2022 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2021年 10月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

		2021年 05月 書寫力量文化講座——Serrini的詩與歌 講者: Serrini(梁嘉茵,香港大學香港研究哲學博士)

			Publishing Your Research Series 2021
		2021年 04月 Publishing Your Research Series 2021 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney
自由身,自由辛? -- 如何善用職場新趨勢 2021年 01月 自由身,自由辛? -- 如何善用職場新趨勢講者: 黎兆麟先生

			面試:師姐教路 -- 市場營銷、銷售及客戶服務相關職位面試策略
		2021年 01月 面試:師姐教路 -- 市場營銷、銷售及客戶服務相關職位面試策略 講者: 趙敏, 趙志芹


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2020年 10月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2020
		2020年 04月 Publishing Your Research Series 2020 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Preparing Your Data Presentation Skills - Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2019年 10月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Preparing Your Data Presentation Skills - Designing Effective Figures and Tables 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2019
		2019年 04月 Publishing Your Research Series 2019 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Uncertainty - Good? Bad? Who Knows?
		2019年 03月 Uncertainty - Good? Bad? Who Knows? 講者: Ven. Ajahn Brahm 主持: Gerald


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Perfecting Your Data Presentation Skills – Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		2018年 10月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Perfecting Your Data Presentation Skills – Designing Effective Figures and Tables 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2018
		2018年 04月 Publishing Your Research Series 2018 講者: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Talk About Hong Kong Writers
		2018年 03月 香港作家談創作 講者: 董啟章, 張婉雯

			Highway to Happiness:
			Tips for Students, Teachers and Everyone
		2018年 03月 Highway to Happiness:
Tips for Students, Teachers and Everyone
講者: Ven. Ajahn Brahm 主持: Gerald


			Successful Writing in the Sciences: Preparing Scientific Reports
		2017年 10月 Successful Writing in the Sciences: Preparing Scientific Reports 講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			永遠的白玫瑰 - 細說三毛的文學與人生
		2017年 09月 永遠的白玫瑰 - 細說三毛的文學與人生 講者: 何杏楓教授, 薛幼春女士

			Embracing Negativity (And Positivity) in Life
		2017年 03月 Embracing Negativity (And Positivity) in Life 講者: Ven. Ajahn Brahm 主持: Gerald
銀影霜寒,拳腳爭鋒﹕中華武術在香江 2017年 03月 銀影霜寒,拳腳爭鋒﹕中華武術在香江講者: 劉繼堯博士, 盧敬之博士 主持: 巢立仁博士


			Successful Writing in the Sciences:Designing Effective Figures And Tables
		2016年 11月 Successful Writing in the Sciences:
Designing Effective Figures And Tables
講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			From Culture Shock to Multicultural Identity:
			Success Abroad and Back Home
		2016年 10月 From Culture Shock to Multicultural Identity:
Success Abroad and Back Home
講者: Mr. Pierre Assier

			Branding Yourself Professionally:
			Practical Tips Leading to a Successful Career
		2016年 10月 自學中心特別講座: 型人型格,美質昭彰: 成功人生的專業形象 講者: Mr. William Lee, Ms. Esther Ma

			Esther Ma tells you all you need to know about Job Interviews
		2016年 04月 Esther Ma tells you all you need to know about Job Interviews 講者: Ms. Esther Ma

			Successful Writing in the Sciences:
			Designing Effective Figures And Tables
		2016年 03月 Successful Writing in the Sciences:
Designing Effective Figures And Tables
講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			The Values of Life: Good? Bad? Who Decides?
		2016年 03月 The Values of Life: Good? Bad? Who Decides? 講者: Ven. Ajahn Brahm

		2016年 01月 自學中心求職面試講座2﹕知己知彼,戰無不勝﹗ 講者: Ms. Christine Cheung


			Developing a career in creative industries -
			Is it all about challenging stereotypes and testing bottom lines?
		2015年 11月 Developing a career in creative industries -
Is it all about challenging stereotypes and testing bottom lines?
講者: Ms. Joanne Chan, Mr. Andy Lee

		2015年 11月 別讓大學慣壞你﹗社會要求甚麼樣的求職者? 講者: Ms. Angela Chiu, Ms. Flora Chan

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		2015年 10月 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace 講者: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
			Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
		2015年 03月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb


			English and Life Long Learning: Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
		2014年 11月 English and Life Long Learning:
Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
講者: Dr. Nancy Lee

			Building a Career in the Media Industry – Stay Tuned!!
		2014年 10月 Building a Career in the Media Industry – Stay Tuned!! 講者: Ms. Joanne Chan

			A Career in the Hong Kong Civil Service and What It Takes
		2014年 10月 A Career in the Hong Kong Civil Service and What It Takes 講者: Ms. Anson Chan

			English and Life Long Learning: Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
		2014年 04月 English and Life Long Learning:
Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
講者: Dr. Nancy Lee

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		2014年 03月 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace 講者: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Another Turn, Another Road:
			A Personal Account of My Career Development Story
		2014年 02月 路就在轉彎處:我的事業發展故事 講者: 張啟庸先生


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
			Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
		2013年 11月 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
講者: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Creative Writing Panel Discussion Fact and Fiction:Creative Writing in English
		2013年 11月 Creative Writing Panel Discussion Fact and Fiction:
Creative Writing in English
講者: Prof. Agnes S. L. LAM, Mr. Nury Vittachi, Ms. XU XI

			EQ -vs- IQ: the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace
		2013年 10月 EQ -vs- IQ: the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace 講者: Dr. Barbara Dalle Pezze

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		2013年 04月 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace 講者: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Teachers and Assessment: What You Need to Know and Why
		2013年 01月 Teachers and Assessment: What You Need to Know and Why 講者: Dr Merry Keung


			Regina Ip speaks on the Importance of Good Bilingual Communication in the Civil Service
		2012年 12月 Regina Ip speaks on the Importance of Good Bilingual Communication in the Civil Service 講者: Ms. Regina Ip

			Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English
		2012年 10月 Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English 講者: Prof. Agnes Lam





  • 「外物之味,久則可厭;讀書之味,愈久愈深。」


  • 「書就是風。讀了很多書,大風就來了。你像風箏,順勢而起,便往天空遠處飛去,讀越多,風越大;飛得越高,看得越遠。」


  • 「書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。」

  • 「立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。」


  • 「善讀者日攻、日掃。攻則直透重圍,掃則了無一物。 」


  • 「(任何一個人,都必須養成自學的習慣,即使是今天在學校的學生,也要養成自學的習慣,因為遲早總要離開學校的!)自學,就是一種獨立學習,獨立思考的能力。行路,還是要靠行路人自己。」


  • 「敏而好學,不恥下問 。」


  • 「喜愛讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞無聊的時光換成巨大享受的時刻。」


  • 「讀書應自己思索,自己做主。」


  • 「善學者盡其理,善行者究其難。 」


  • 「人若志趣不遠,心不在焉,雖學無成。 」


  • 「不要把學問看做是用來裝飾的王冠,也不要把學問看做是用來擠奶的奶牛。」


  • 「遠行要假良朋,數數清於耳目;住止必須擇伴,時時聞於未聞。故雲:「生我者父母,成我者朋友。」親附善者,如霧露中行,雖不濕衣,時時有潤。」


  • 「寫作可以使一天中,工作的二、三小時,化為更有意味的二、三小時。」


  • 「寫作,最終是一連串允許你以某些特定方式來表達自己的過程。去創造。去跳躍。去飛翔。去掉落。去發現你自己獨樹一格的敘述方式和堅持;也就是讓你找到內在的自由。」

    ——Susan Sontag

  • 「有時候我想,天堂一定是一場永不疲倦的閱讀。」

    ——Virginia Woolf