The Power of Words cordially invites you to record what you see, hear, think, and sense on 21 March 2013. Allow your feelings, reflections, thoughts, and perspectives become part of CUHK's history.
Prior to the Second Sino-Japanese War, Mao Dun (茅盾), a renowned Chinese writer, initiated a massive writing event called "A Day in China". Three decades ago, a group of passionate CUHK students compiled "A Day at CUHK" to encourage members of CUHK to reflect on their lives and their generation. We may have different campus experiences, but what we share will become part of the history of CUHK. Time has gone by and CUHK's 50th Anniversary is approaching. It is time again for us to contribute once again to CUHK's history.
We welcome members of CUHK (including undergraduate and postgraduate students, exchange students, teachers, staff, alumni, retired staff, visiting scholars, their respective family members, and non-CUHK employees on campus) to participate in this meaningful and memorable event. We accept poems and prose (in Chinese or English and in ancient or modern genres), and there is no word limit. Submitted entries will be posted on the Internet, and selected work will be published as a collection.
Entries (saved as Word documents) can be submitted by email to or by post: Hong Kong Literature Research Centre, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fung King Hey Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Shatin.
Please include the following information along with your submission:
For Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students,
Exchange Students, Teachers, Staff,
Alumni, Retired Staff, and Visiting Scholars:
- Full Name (Family Name and Given Name),
- Unit/Centre/School/Department/Faculty,
- Year of Study/ Graduation Year,
- Contact Information
For non-CUHK employees on campus:
- Full Name (Family Name and Given Name),
- Organisation/Company,
- Contact Information
♦ For family members of CUHK affiliates: |
- Full Name (Family Name and Given Name)
- Relationship to the affiliate,
- Affiliate's Full Name
(Family Name and Given Name),
- Unit/Centre/School/Department/Faculty,
- Contact Information
The content does not have to be directly related to the CUHK campus. This is not a competition. There will be no rankings, trophies, or prizes awarded.
The deadline for submission is 30 June 2013. (Entries will begin to be posted onto the Internet in April.)
The advisors for "A Day at CUHK" in the 21st Century are Professor Weiluan Lu (Xiao Si) and Professor Leo Ou-fan Lee.
* co-organised with the University Library System, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CU Student Press, Department of English, and School of Journalism and Communication