Everyday Chinese
How to greet each other in Putonghua? How to order a cup of coffee or some dumplings in a restaurant? Here are some situational conversations and basic knowledge we have prepared for you. They are practical and easy to learn. You can click the links to listen to the vocabulary or the conversations. You are most welcome to tell us your comments and feedback about the online lessons.
Written by: Vivian Chan (陈燕遐), Yang Ping (杨平) and Cai Xuanhui (蔡玄晖).
Recording: Vivian Chan (陈燕遐), Shi Lili (史莉莉) and Li Cong (李丛).
English Editor: Mhairi Mackay Mack
Show Reference Books
- 《交际汉语》(每冊连VCD 1-6)。中国中央电视台英语频道。(2003) (UCIS,PL1125.E6 J55 2003)
- 100 Putonghua Situations: Practical Chinese Conversations (with 3 Audio CDs). Peggy Wang. (2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125.E6 W363 2006)
- A Complete Handbook of Spoken Chinese (with CD). Ma Jianfei.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125.E6 X53 2007)
- A Handbook for 1,000 Basic Chinese Characters. Wang Guo'an.(2006) (UCI, PL1171 .J46 2006)
- An Intensive Reading Course of Advanced Chinese. Deng Xiaoning.(2006) (UCIS, PL1128 .G36 2006)
- Chinese Pronunciation Course. Basic Study (with 2 CDs). He Ping.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129.E5 H37 2006)
- Expert of Chinese in 30 Days: Elementary (with Audio CD). Chen Ru.(2007) (UCI, PL1125.E6 X56 2007)
- Expert of Chinese in 30 Days: Intermediate (with Audio CD). Chen Ru.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 .E6 X562 2007)
- Practical Chinese Reader. Liu Xun.(2000) (UCI, PL1129 .E5 L576 2000)
- Short-Term Spoken Chinese: Threshold (with 2 CDs). Ma Jianfei.(2006) (UCI, PL1074.8 .H34 2006)
- Practical Chinese Grammar. Hung-nin Samuel Cheung.(1994) (UCIS, PL1107 .C43 1994)
- 《外国人实用汉语语法》。李德津。(2008) (UCIS,PL1109 .L4495 2008)
Show 對外漢語
- 100 Putonghua Situations: Practical Chinese Conversations (普通話情景會話100) (with 3 Audio CDs). Peggy Wang.(2006) (UCIS, PL1125 E6 W363 2006)
- A Handbook for 1,000 Basic Chinese Characters (基本漢字學習手冊). Wang Guo’an, ed.(2006) (UCI, PL1171 J46 2006)
- An Idiom a Day: Illustrated Stories of Chinese Sayings (In English; Table of Content in Chinese). Wu Yuan; illustrated by Wang Jiaxun.(2005) (UCI, PL1273 W78)
- An Intensive Chinese Course: Words and Phrase (漢語強化教程﹕詞匯課本). Chen Xianchun, comp.(2006) (UCI, PL1231.5 C54 2006)
- Basic Chinese (基礎漢語).(2005-2006) (UCI, PL1129 E5 B37)
- Be of One Voice (異口同聲﹕中英成語 800 對). Chen Yongzhen, ed., et al.(2005) (UCIS, PL1273 C476 2005)
- Beginner's Chinese (with Audio CDs). Yong Ho.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL 1129 E5 H6 2005)
- Business Chinese (商務漢語) (with CD-ROM/DVDROM). Li Zhubian, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 S45)
- Campus Chinese (校園漢語) (with CD-ROM/DVD-ROM). Li Zhubian, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 X536)
- Chinese Conversation for Foreigners (路﹕短期速成外國人漢語會話課本). Zhao Jinming, ed.(2002) (UCI, PL1125 E6 S83)
- Chinese Express: Talk Chinese (漢語快行線﹕說漢語) (with 2 CDs). Tan Yue, Wang Haitong, ed.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 T26)
- Chinese for children n (兒童漢語)(with CD). Liu Xun, comp.(1987-1988) (UCI, PL1129 E5 L575 1987b)
- Chinese for English Speakers: Primary Character Book (歐美人學中文.初級漢字本). Zheng Guoxiong, ed.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1171 J47)
- Chinese for English Speakers: Primary Workbook (歐美人學中文. 初級練習本). Zheng Guoxiong, ed.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL 1074.8 J55)
- Chinese for Today (今日漢語) (Book 1–2) (textbook and exercise with 4 CDs). Huang Zhengcheng, et al.(1996) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 C54 1996)
- Chinese in a Flash Philip Yungkin Lee.(2004) (UCI/UCIS, PL1895 L44 2004)
- Chinese Mandarin (2001) (UCIS, PL1125 E6 C546)
- Chinese Reading about Popular Science (科普漢語閱讀)(with 3 CDs). Wang Bixia, Wang Ruifen, comp.(2007) (UCI, PL1128 W33)
- Chinese, the Easy Way Philip F.C. Williams and Yenna Wu.(1999) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 W55)
- Collins Mandarin Phrasebook (Audio CD).(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 C64)
- Colloquial Chinese 2: The Next Step in Language Learning (2 Audiotapes). Kan Qian.(2007) (UCIS, PL1125 E6 K37)
- Common Chinese (常用漢語). Li Zhubian, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 C44)
- Complete Mandarin Chinese: The Basics (Learner’s Dictionary: EnglishChinese/Chinese-English with 3 CDs). Janet Lai.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 L28)
- Confidence Chinese 1. Getting Started ((信心漢語.1.信心篇) (with MP3). Yan Tong, ed., et al.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 X54)
- Conversational Chinese for Discussion (議論口語) (with 2 CDs). Zhang Jing, ed.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL 1121 C5 Y53)
- Daily Chinese (生活漢語)(with CD-ROM/DVD-ROM). Li Zhubian, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 S46)
- Daily Conversational Chinese (日常口語) (with CDs). Zhang Jing, ed.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1121 C5 R45)
- Easy Steps to Chinese 3: Workbook (輕松學中文 3). Ma Yamin, Li Xinying, comp.(2007) (UCI, PL1129 E5 M3 2007)
- Elementary Spoken Chinese (漢語初級口語教程)( with MP3). 2 vols. Yang Jizhou, Jia Yongfen, comp.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1128 Y35)
- Elementary Spoken Chinese 2 (初級漢語口語.第二冊) (Vocabulary/ Text Translation) (Text and exercise with 2 CDs). Dai Guifu, comp., et al.(2004) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 D25 2004)
- Essential Mandarin Chinese Phrase Book Philip Yungkin Lee.(2003) (UCIS, PL1125 E6 E87)
- Exercise Book for Writing Chinese Character (漢字書寫練習簿). Da Shiping and Da Wanzhong, ed.(2006) (UCIS, PL1171 H32674)
- Expert of Chinese in 30 Days: Elementary (新 30 天漢語通﹕短期漢語口語課本.初級本) (with Audio CD). Chen Ru comp.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 X56 2007)
- Expert of Chinese in 30 Days: Intermediate (新 30 天漢語通﹕短期漢語口語課本.中級本) (with Audio CD). Chen Ru comp., et al.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 X562)
- Fun Chinese for Kids (快樂兒童漢語). 2 vols. SISA Chinese Culture Center, comp.(2004) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 K83 2004)
- Great Wall Chinese: Essentials in Communication (長城漢語﹕生存交際) (Workbook). 6 vols. Miao Qiang, Liang Xiao, ed.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 C438 2006)
- Great Wall Chinese: Essentials in Communication (長城漢語﹕生存交際課本) (Textbook with 6 CDs). Miao Qiang, Liang Xiao, ed.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 C438 2005)
- Happy Beijing Practical Chinese Conversation: Easy Practical Interesting (實用日常漢語會話) (with 4 CDs). 2 vols. Chen Hongyu, comp. (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 C494)
- Illustrated Account of Chinese Characters (漢字圖解). Xie Guanghui, ed.(2006) (UCI, PL1423 H33 2006)
- Interactive Practical Putonghua (Chinese-English) (電腦互動實用普通話 [中英對照]). He Yunfang, Wang Jiafu, comp.(2002) (UCI, PL1121 C5 H398)
- Intermediate Chinese (with CD). Yong Ho.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 H63)
- Intermediate Chinese Listening and Speaking Course (中級漢語聽說教程)(with MP3). Hu Xiaoqing, ed.(2006) (UCI, PL1128 Z45)
- Introduction to Standard Chinese Pinyin System (中文拼音入門) (with CD & Workbook). Helen H. Shen, ed.(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1185 S46)
- iSpeak. Chinese Mandarin: the Ultimate Audio + Visual Phrasebook for Your iPod Alex Chapin and Jin Zhang.(2007) (UCI, PL1497 C4254)
- Kung Fu (1) An Elementary Chinese Text (功夫﹝一﹞). John C. Jamieson and Lin Tao.(2002) (UCI, PL1129 E5 J35)
- Learn Chinese with Me. Student's Book 1 (跟我學漢語.學生用書.第一冊.英語版) (with 2 CDs). Chen Fu, Zhu Zhiping, ed.(2003) (UCI, PL1129 E5 G368)
- Learn Chinese with Mr Xu (老外在中國). Zhu Zhenglong.(2007) (UCI, PL1129 E5 X84)
- Learn to Speak Chinese (Book 1–2) (學說中國話 初階、進階)(with 2 CDs). Wang Guo'an, comp.(1996) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 W28)
- Learning Chinese (學漢語).(2006) (UCI, PL1065 X838)
- Learning Chinese Characters from Ms. Zhang. from Characters to Words (張老師教漢字.漢字識寫課本)(Exercise Book). Zhang Huifen, comp.(2005) (UCI, PL1171 Z424)
- Learning Chinese Characters from Ms. Zhang. Reading and Writing Chinese Characters (A) (張老師教漢字. 漢字識寫課本﹝上﹞). Zhang Huifen, comp.(2005) (UCIS, PL1171 Z4239)
- Listening Comprehension Tests (聽力課本). Cao hui, comp.(1997-1998) (UCIS, PL1109 C34)
- Magic Chinese (魔力漢語﹕中級漢語口語). 2 vols. Lin Qiqian, comp.(2006) (UCI, PL1128 L56)
- Mandarin Chinese at a Glance: Phrase Book & Dictionary for Travellers Scott D. Seligman and I-chuan Chen. (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 S35)
- Mandarin Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-English Fred Fangyu Wang.(2002) (UCIS, PL1455 W152)
- Mandarin Chinese: Level One (2006) (UCI, PL1125 E6 M35 2006)
- Mandarin Chinese: Level Three (2006) (UCI, PL1125 E6 M353)
- Mandarin Chinese: Level Two (2006) (UCI, PL1125 E6 M352)
- Mandarin Hip Hop (嘻哈說唱學漢語 2) (with CD). Sarah Lu, Mark Manno, ed.(2007) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 L825)
- Mandarin Pronunciation Explained with Diagrams Raymond Huang.(1981) (UCIS, PL1209 H8 1981)
- Mingming Chinese. Primary Course (with CD-ROM). ComingNet Computer Technologiesm, comp. (UCI/UCIS, PL1065 M56 2004)
- Modern Standard Chinese (當代純正漢語上冊). Geng Erling, Mao Junping, ed.(2006) (UCI, PL1129 E5 D35)
- More Chinese Sayings T. C. Lai.(1972) (UCI, PN6095 C4 L3)
- New Concept Chinese Textbook (新意中文課本). Chen Jian comp.(2007) (UCI, PL1109 C45)
- New Path Getting over Chinese Grammar (漢語語法新通路). Zhou Xiaogen.(2007) (UCI, PL1107 Z496)
- New Practical Chinese Reader (新實用漢語課本) (with DVD). Liu Xun, ed., et al., Jerry Schmidt, trans.(2002/2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 X527 2002)
- New Step: Intensive Reading Course of Intermediate Chinese (新階梯﹕中級漢語教程). Yuan Liangzhen, Zhang Yanhua, comp.(2007) (UCI, PL1129 E5 Y85)
- Open for Business: Lessons in Chinese Commerce for the Millennium.(Intermediate exercise) (新世紀中級商用漢語課本.練習冊) 2 Vols. Jane C.M. Kuo.(2005) (UCI, PL1117.5 C65 G87 2005)
- Phrases Dans Les Conversations En Chinois (漢語會話 301 句). Kang Yuhua and Lai Siping, comp.(2006) (UCI, PL1125 F6 K37)
- Popular Chinese Expressions (漢語流行口語) (with Audio CD). Li Jiequn, ed., et al., Jian Leng Jian trans..(2007) (UCIS, PL1952 H35)
- Practical Chinese Reader (實用漢語課本). Liu Xun, ed., et al.(2000) (UCI, PL1129 E5 L576 2000)
- Proceeding: International Workshop on Pedagogical Lexicography of CFL (語學習詞典學國際研討會論文集 ). Zheng Dingou, ed., et al.(2006) (UCI, PL1411 D85 2006)
- Proprieties Chinese (禮儀漢語) (with CD-ROM/DVD-ROM). Li Lubo, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 L5 2007)
- Reading & Writing Chinese: A Comprehensive Guide to the Chinese Writing System (William McNaughton.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1495 M32)
- Short-Term Listening and Speaking Chinese Course (短期漢語聽說教程). Vol. 1. Liang Xiangru, ed.(2006) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 D84)
- Short-Term Spoken Chinese: Pre-Intermediate (漢語口語速成.提高篇) (with 2 CDs). Ma Jianfei, ed.(2005-2006) (UCIS, PL1074.8 H34)
- Short-Term Spoken Chinese: Elementary (漢語口語速成.基礎篇) (with 2 CDs). Ma Jianfei, ed.(2005-2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1074.8 H34)
- Simple Strokes. The Human Body: Learn Chinese the Fun Way Song Liwen; Tao Youlan, trans.(2005) (UCI, PL1281 S663)
- Sing Songs and Learn Chinese (唱新歌學漢語). Wang Xiaoyin, comp.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 W29)
- Speed-up Chinese. Integrated Textbook (速成漢語基礎教程.綜合課本) (with MP3). Guo Zhiliang and Yang Huiyuan, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1129 E5 S84)
- Spoken Chinese (口語課本).(1997-1998) (UCIS, PL1109 K68)
- Step by Step Chinese: Chinese Speaking Elementary (階梯漢語.初級口語 II) (with MP3). Liu Rong, ed., et al.(2007) (UCIS, PL1074.8 J67)
- Talk Mandarin Today (今日學說普通話) (with 2 CDs). Xiao Hong.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 X525 2005)
- Teach Yourself Beginner's Mandarin Chinese (with 2 CDs). Elizabeth Scurfield and Song Lianyi.(2007) (UCIS, PL 1129 E5 S2865)
- Teach Yourself Chinese (with 2 CDs). Elizabeth Scurfield.(2003) (UCI, PL1129 E5 S287)
- Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese (with 2 CDs). Elizabeth Scurfield.(2003) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 S288)
- Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese Conversation (with 1 Booklet & 3 CDs). Elizabeth Scurfield & Song Lianyi.(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1125 E6 S33)
- The First 100 Chinese Characters: the Quick and Easy Method to Learn the 100 Most Basic Chinese Characters (In English and Chinese; Simplified Character Edition). Introduction by Alison & Lawrence Matthews.(2006) (UCI, PL1171 F57 2006)
- The Nature of the Chinese Character: Gifts from the Earth Text by Barbara Aria; calligraphy by Russell Eng Gon; illustrations by Lesley Ehlers.(2001) (UCI, PL1171 A75)
- Times: Newspaper Reading Course of Intermediate Chinese (時代﹕中級漢語報刊閱讀教程). Wu Xieyao, comp.(2006) (UCIS, PL1128 W84)
- Topic-Based Conversational Chinese (話題口語) (with 3 Audio CDs) Zhang Jingmei, ed.(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1121 C5 H885)
- Tour Chinese (旅游漢語) (with CD-ROM/DVD-ROM). Li Lubo, ed.(2007) (UCI, PL1125 E6 L84)
- Travelwise Chinese (Illustrated Phrasebook and Dictionary) (1 Transcript of Dialogues) (1 Sound Cassette). Wu, Shu-hsiung and Ulrich Hoss; John S. Montanaro and Kathleen Luft, trans. and ed.(UCI, PL1125 E6 W7813)
- Ultimate Mandarin Chinese: Beginner-Intermediate (A Complete Textbook and Reference Guide).(2004) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 U58)
- 《30 天漢語通初級本》。陳如等編著;Jennifer Chin, Mark Thorndal 英語翻譯;田宮祥子日語翻譯;小可插圖繪制。(1994) (UCI, PL1074.8 C445)
- 《一目ぼれの中國語﹕日本人のために》《一見鍾情學漢語.初級》(連 3 Audio CDs)。施潔民、蒲豐彥編著。(2003-2004) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 J3 S35)
- 《中文經典 100 句﹕孟子》。 文心工作室編著;季旭升總策劃。(2007) (UCI, PL2474 Z6 Z45)
- 《漢語拼音字母發音圖卡》(記憶片)。張丹設計監制。 (UCIS, PL1209 .H383)
- 《中級漢語口語》。路志英編著。(2005) (UCIS, PL1128 L88)
- 《中國語の世界.上海 2010》(連 DVD)。赤松紀彥等著。(2010) (UCI, PL1121 J3 C58)
- 《中國語の世界.北京歡迎你》。道坂昭廣等著。(2009) (UCI, PL1121 J3 C577)
- 《發展漢語.中級漢語寫作》(下冊)。羅青松編著。(2005) (UCI, PL1271 L863)
- 《發展漢語.初級漢語》(上、下冊)。榮繼華編著。(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1128 R85 2006)
- 《發展漢語.高級漢語寫作》(下冊)。岑玉珍編著。(2006) (UCIS, PL1271 C226)
- 《發展漢語.高級漢語聽力﹕學生冊》(下冊)。田衛平編著。(2006) (UCIS, PL1128 T53)
- 《發展漢語.初級漢語口語》(上、下冊)。陳晨、Vicky Chu 編著。(2004) (UCIS, PL1121 C5 C535)
- 《發展漢語.高級漢語口語》(下冊)(4錄音帶)。李祿興編著。(UCI, PL1121 C5 G36)
- 《發展漢語.初級漢語》(上、下冊)(連 4 CDs)。榮繼華編著;王瑞翻譯。(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1128 R854)
- 《外國人學漢語速成﹕現代漢語造句公式》(A Crash Course in Chinese: Sentence Construction Patterns in Modern Chinese)(連 MP3)。丁皓森。(2007) (UCIS, PL1241 D55)
- 《外國人實用漢語語法》(A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners)。李德津、程美珍編著々李德津、金德厚修訂;劉瑛修訂英譯。(2008) (UCIS, PL1109 L4495 2008)
- 《對外漢語的課堂教學技巧》。丁迪蒙著。(2006) (UCI, PL1065 D55)
- 《對外漢語語音教學》(Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)。毛世楨。(2008) (UCIS, PL1201 M355)
- 《幼兒啟蒙掛圖》。郁之編。(2006) (UCIS, PL1115 Y78)
- 《漢語入門一本通》(Access to Chinese Language in One Textbook)。王淦華編著。(2008) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 W27)
- 《漢語口語水平考試綱要﹕漢語口語水平考試指導用書》(Handbook for Oral Chinese Test Plus)。(2006) (UCI/UCIS, PL1074.8 H338)
- 《漢語發音與糾音》(標準語音訓練叢書)。曹文編著。(2000) (UCI/UCIS, PL1209 C26 2000)
- 《漢語會話 301 句》(第三版)(上、下冊)(Conversational Chinese 301)。康玉華、來思平編著。(2005) (UCI, PL1121 C5 K38)
- 《漢語成語學習手冊》(Handbook of Chinese Idioms)。鄧方、劉立新編著;楊淑華等英文翻譯;黃麗麗英文審定。(2007) (UCI, PL1273 D33)
- 《漢語聽力速成.基礎篇》(連錄音帶)。毛悅主編;趙秀娟、周閱編著。(2002) (UCI/UCIS, PL1209 H28785 2002)
- 《漢語聽力教程.中級 A 種本》(上、下冊)。王新文、熊文編著。 (UCI/UCIS, PL1209 W26)
- 《漢語系列教材﹕漢語 1–13》(連練習冊)。北京中國語言文化學校編。(1998) (UCIS, LB1577 C5 H4 1998)
- 《漢語詞匯密碼﹕介詞、助詞》(The Code of Chinese Preposition and Auxiliaries)(連 MP3)。魏新紅編著;呂麗瑩翻譯。(2011) (UCIS, PL1237 W38)
- 《漢語詞匯密碼﹕代詞》(The Code of Chinese Pronouns)(連 MP3)。魏新紅編著;呂麗瑩翻譯。(2011) (UCIS, PL1234 W375)
- 《漢語詞匯密碼﹕形容詞、副詞》(The Code of Chinese Adjectives and Adverbs)(連 MP3)。魏新紅編著;呂麗瑩翻譯。(2011) (UCIS, PL1233 W35)
- 《漢語商務通﹕中級聽力教程》(連 MP3)。董瑾主編;鄧如冰、朱瑞蕾編著。(2005) (UCI/UCIS, PL1128 D36)
- 《漢語基礎》(第一、二冊,連練習冊)。胡明揚、何寶璋主編;岑玉珍等編寫;張衛國審訂;賈志杰英文翻譯;Nick Smith 英文審訂。(2007) (UCI/UCIS, PL1129 E5 H32)
- 《漢語敎程》(第一、二、三冊)(修訂本)。楊寄洲修訂;英譯杜彪。(2006) (UCI, PL1128 H25 2006)
- 《交際漢語》(1–4)(Communicate in Chinese)(每冊連 VCD 1–6)。中國中央電視臺英語頻道(China Central Television CCTV 9)編。(2003) (UCIS, PL1125 E6 J55)
- 《體驗漢語基礎教程》(上、下)(Experiencing Chinese)(每冊連 Audio CD)。姜麗萍主編;魏新紅、董政編;高晨譯。(2006) (UCIS, PL1129 E5 T48)
- 《初級漢語口語》(Elementary Spoken Chinese)(第一冊)(含課文與練習、詞語表、課文翻譯、練習參考答案、MP3)。戴桂芙、劉立新、李海燕編著。(2004) (UCI/UCIS, PL 1125 E6 D25)
- 《初級漢語精讀》。史建偉編著。(2005) (UCI, PL1128 C58)
- 《圍城》(The Besieged City)(連 MP3)。錢鍾書著;施光亨、王紹新改寫注釋;韓暉注釋英譯。(2008) (UCIS, PL2958 I52 W45)
- 《張老師教漢字.漢字拼讀課本》(上、下冊)。張惠芬編著。(2006) (UCI, PL1171 Z423 2006)
- 《快樂中國――學漢語.四川篇》。快樂中國――學漢語節目組編。(2005) (UCI, PL1125 E6 K747)
- 《快樂中國――學漢語.溫州篇》。快樂中國――學漢語節目組編。(2005) (UCI, PL1125 E6 K75)
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