Workshop Description |
Imagine that you have successfully completed your thesis. Beyond your oral defence, how can you share your insights and discoveries with a wider audience? One possibility is to seek the publication of your thesis. This workshop aims to take you through the steps of turning your thesis into a book. Along the way, I will share my experience of getting my PhD thesis published as a monograph. There will also be opportunity for discussion via questions and answers at the end of workshop.
Speaker's Bio |
Dr FONG Yoke Sim is an Adjunct Lecturer for the course The University Today at the National University of Singapore (NUS). While she was a Senior Lecturer with the Centre for English Language Communication at NUS, she designed, coordinated and taught both postgraduate and undergraduate courses, the most recent being Technical Communication for Engineers and The Internationalisation of Higher Education: Impact and Challenges. Her other contributions include support to NUS colleagues in the EnglishAssist programme. She is author of the book, Learners in Transition: Chinese Students' Journeys from EFL to ESL and EIL (2019), book chapters and journal papers.