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  • Study Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills

English Resources


This book helps you orient yourselves in studying at university and acquire necessary study skills. Starting with getting to know your own learning style and setting goals, it moves forward to suggest how you can improve your memory, as well as your reading and listening strategies. It also guides you how to use references and library resources more effectively.

Highlights include “Setting goals” (Ch. 9), “Reference: The thesaurus” (Ch. 40), “Reference: The bibliography” (Ch. 45), and “The vocabulary of essay tests” (Ch. 82).


Lowering your anxiety and boosting your confidence at the start of your study will enable you to learn more effectively. This book provides you with useful tips on important areas such as time management and exam preparations, and shows you how to make notes and read critically.

Highlights include “Time control” (Part 2), “Notetaking techniques” (Part 3), and “Critical reading skills” (Part 4).


Written for university students at all levels, this tripartite book explains personal, academic, and life skills required at university and raises students’ awareness of these skills’ transferability in the workplace. Not only will you read about other students’ experiences, you will also learn practical tips and advice on developing study skills and achieving academic success. In addition, you will benefit from exploring the uses of digital technologies in learning.

Highlights include “How to develop successful examination techniques” (Ch. 8), and “How to understand what is required for your success in gaining internships, placements and jobs” (Ch. 9).


This is a textbook about critical thinking. Topics covered include: knowing oneself, asking the right questions, irrationality, bias, manipulation, and ethics. Of special interest are the section titled “44 foul ways to win an argument”, which describes “dirty tricks” used by the less honest, and the 52-page glossary of critical thinking terms and concepts, which will appeal to the intellectually curious. Critical thinking is a notion that is often talked about but has remained elusive for those wanting to define or teach it. This book is a good attempt at shedding light on this trendy topic.


We might believe fake news, draw incorrect conclusions, and make decisions based on emotion rather than reason. Viewing critical thinking from philosophy, psychology, and science, this newest edition explains how the concept of critical thinking emerged, how it has been defined, and how critical thinking skills can be learned and assessed. It is, for sure, a great book for your personal growth.

Highlights include “John Dewey” (in Ch. 1), “Components of critical thinking” (Ch. 2), “Can critical thinking be taught?” (in Ch. 3) and “Can critical thinking be assessed?” (in Ch. 3).


Critical thinking is commonly involved in everyday decisions. With the use of logic games, puzzles, and real life examples at the beginning, this book gradually moves towards formal concepts such as induction, deduction, forming a proposition, identifying issues, gathering evidence, and processing an argument.

Highlights include “What is argument?” (Ch. 2), “Inductive reasoning” (Ch. 4), “Deductive reasoning” (Ch. 5) and “Errors in reasoning: the classical fallacies” (Ch. 6).

Chinese Resources


本書分為五章,作者以腦科學的角度為切入點,講述提高學習效能的策略。其中第二章(頁50 - 91)說明如何選擇合適的學習方法,指出學習可分為視覺型、聽覺型及觸覺型三種模式,故應根據個人情況揀選恰當的組合學習。而第三章(頁94 - 131)則圍繞學前準備作探論,介紹如何設定目標、安排日程及擬定策略等,從而提高學習效率。作者對各項步驟的說明相當詳細,讀者如多作參考,當能提高學習技巧。


本書共分十章,作者從全人發展的角度出發,為大學生應如何規劃大學生活提供指引。其中第二章(頁43 - 64)主要說明如何有效安排時間,包括如何制訂學期計劃、設定作業期限及調整學習進度等,都是實用的建議。第四章(頁89 - 122)則介紹尋找適合自己的學習方法之要訣,並提出多項意見,以提高讀者的自主學習能力。全書另提及課堂學習以外的注意事項,讀者如多作參考,當能使大學生活更形豐富。




全書分為十三章,內容涵蓋議論、結論、理由、假設、推理、證據等運用批判思考時必須注意的重要元素。當中第四章(頁69 - 91)主要講述如何檢查、確定語義不清的陳述,避免推論落入曖昧不明的困境。第十章則探討對立成因的問題(頁209 - 233),介紹分辨「唯一成因」與「某一成因」的方法。書中另附有練習及答案範例,讀者如能逐一完成,自能有效提高個人的批判思考能力。







  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford