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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Project Management
  • Cultural Awareness

Book Display Period: 14 November 2015 - 31 December 2015

English Resources

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

Project management is an essential skill for operation in different sectors. A good mastery of the skill can enhance the execution of projects, cost optimization, the assignment of roles in a team, project phases monitoring, and facilitate the delivery of intended project deliverables.

The key features of this book are its clear outline and detailed approach to all aspects of project management.

Highlights include:
Project management plan and documents (pp.117-154), scope of projects (pp.187-192), the project work breakdown structure (WBS) (pp.193-206), the managing and leading of the execution of projects (pp.243-258)

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

This book adopts a professional approach combining theories and practice in illustrating project management with easy-to-follow sub-sections, mind-maps, flow-charts, and exercises.

Highlights include:
Matrix for project management (pp.184-187), levels of integration (p.227), systems integration framework (p.229), evaluating the program plan (pp.333-337), executing the program plan (pp.339-344), change management process (pp.346-350).

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

Good project management skills are critical for professional success. This book helps develop perspectives in the application of relevant knowledge and enables the development of project management capabilities.

Highlights include:
Projects in a real world (pp.87-159), an introduction with project organization skills examined including extended roles and responsibilities planning chart (p.79), organization adoption of a project-based structure (p.81), reporting distribution routes for management control (p.128), influence on choice of structure (p.190), portfolio-programme-project analyses (pp.197-198), the generic breakdown (p.202), roles of a project management office (p.208), communication actions (p.242), three dimensions of capabilities (p.242), sample of roles in the project environment (p.274), a sample of project manager roles (p.276), timeline for project execution (p.282).

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

In light of globalization, cross-cultural communication and cultural awareness have become increasingly important in a diverse and multicultural world. This book explains the layers of meaning of culture based upon the theories of leading academics. It also identifies the barriers to effective cross-cultural communication and suggests practical strategies to overcome them. The authors provide practical examples from their own experience.

Highlights include:
Definition of culture (p.4), barriers to effective communication (pp.10-11), on ambiguity, perception and stereotypes (pp.13-15), monochronic and polychronic cultures (p.27), high context and low context dimensions (p.29), Hofstede’s four dimensions of power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty (p.31), and the sixth dimension of indulgence versus restraint (p.40-41), the Mole Map (p.55), Lewis’s Cultural Model (p.57).

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

Cross-cultural communication is essential in an educational setting as well as in the workplace. This book explains the broader concept in relation to cultural identity and cultural frameworks, including background and experience. It helps students in making a difference in the world by forging healthy and productive relationships with people of other cultures.

Highlights include:
Cultural identity (pp.59-84), cultural frames of reference (pp.83-107), intercultural communication and friendship (pp.197-218), diversity in educational settings (pp.247-250), intercultural communication in the workplace (pp.269-291).

Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentations and Reports

This book emphasizes family, religion and history as key variables in intercultural communication, aspects which are less commonly explored in books on cultural communication. With in-depth research and compelling examples, this book aims to challenge assumptions and cultural biases. It helps students understand the ways culture affects communication in different contexts.

Highlights include:
The importance of history (chapter 4), worldview: cultural explanations of life and death (chapter 5), cultural influences on communication contexts: responding to the setting (chapter 10).

Chinese Resources

寫給初學者的信: 科學論文寫作入門

本書可分為四部分:第一部分為「瞭解基本問題」(頁6 - 17),說明設立項目前的準備工作;第二部分為「項目計劃」(頁18 - 37),介紹勾劃項目內容的方式;第三部分為「實施計劃」(頁38 - 55),列舉有效執行項目的各項因素;第四部分為「監督管理」(頁56 - 65),講述監察項目進度及總結成果的方法。讀者若通覽全書,當能掌握項目管理的基本概念與應用技巧。

寫給初學者的信: 科學論文寫作入門

本書雖以產品研發的項目管理制度為主題,惟書中提及的部分運作流程,頗能切合其他範疇的項目管理工作。如第二部分第七章「產品概念」(頁33 - 58)講述如何產生構想時,先後介紹腦力激盪法、構想銀行及語意矩陣等激發創意的方法,即相當實用。同一章另談及選擇構想的程序,作者開列的風險評估、構想篩選及修正構想等方法,亦適合一般讀者參考。

寫給初學者的信: 科學論文寫作入門

本書乃錢穆先生主持新亞書院第一次「錢賓四先生學術文化講座」的講演集,除卻引言及結論,中間四講分別以「中國人的性格」(頁23 - 50)、「中國人的行為」(頁51 - 81)、「中國人的思想總綱」(頁83 - 108)及「中國人的文化結構」(頁109 - 152)為主題,指出傳統中國文化具有重合多於分、重集體多於個人、通天人與合內外並重,以及重視道德與藝術的特徵。講演內容雖以上世紀七十年代的世界形勢立論,然今日讀來依然引人深思。

寫給初學者的信: 科學論文寫作入門

本書共分十章,分別以出版、文學、建築、裝置藝術、攝影、報刊專欄、文化評論與電影為主題,探討香港文化的內涵,由是提出「外來與本地」、「東與西」、「傳統與現代」以及「雅與俗」實是認識香港文化的四大關鍵。篇中所舉例子雖止於上世紀九十年代,然作者對香港文化的反思,如兩度談及香港的都市空間(頁32 - 39及頁86 - 99)具有拼貼特徵等看法,相信依然能引起讀者共鳴。

寫給初學者的信: 科學論文寫作入門

本書雖非專論文化問題,惟其第二章(頁82 - 134)對「文化」的定義有細緻的界說,既回顧古代西方對「文化」與「文明」兩個詞語的理解,復從人類學的角度出發,指出文化實是具有描述性、象徵性及結構性的概念。同書第三章(頁180 - 236)則從文化的傳播方式著眼,說明文化傳輸與大眾傳播的關係。讀者若能通讀兩部分,當能理解現代西方以何種方式解讀文化一詞的含義。







  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford